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    Ayatana Webmail

    Ayatana Webmail is an application that integrates your webmail into MATE, Xfce, LXDE and other desktop environments. It displays notifications about incoming mail, shows the number of unread messages and displays subjects in the Messaging Menu. The Launcher item also has a quicklist that provides quick access to your mail folders. It also allows you to quickly compose a new message. Ayatana Webmail starts automatically, all you have to do is to enter your accounts settings in the configuration dialog.


    Arch > Manjaro > etc.

    pamac build ayatana-webmail

    Debian > Ubuntu > etc.

    sudo apt install ayatana-webmail

    From source

    Dependencies [1][2]

    [1] The package names may slightly vary among various Linux flavours
    [2] You need the Python 3 versions of these

    git clone https://github.com/AyatanaIndicators/ayatana-webmail.git
    cd ayatana-webmail
    python3 setup.py build
    sudo python3 setup.py install --root=/ --optimize=1
    sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas

    The application will start automagically the next time you log in. Alternatively, you can start it immediately by pressing ALT+F2, and entering "ayatana-webmail".


    Help with the translation
    Report a bug
    Request a feature (It's a good idea to add the enhancement label to your issue.)
    Ask a question (It's a good idea to add the question label to your issue.)
    Browse the source code

    If Ayatana Webmail fails to connect to your Google Mail account, see this issue.


    If you only wish to leave a comment, do so by using the button at the top of this page.


    Ayatana Webmail in the messaging menu

    Ayatana Webmail in the messaging menu

    The quicklist

    The quicklist

    Settings dialog, accounts

    Settings dialog, accounts

    Settings dialog, options

    Settings dialog, options
    Add your comment to this page

    Note: If you wish to report a bug, request a feature, or ask a question about an application - please do so by using the appropriate GitHub link on the application's page.

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