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    Caja Rename


    Caja Rename is an extension for Caja allowing users to rename multiple files/folders in a single pass. The application can change the case, insert, replace and delete strings, as well as enumerate the selection. Any changes are instantly visible in the preview list. The user interface strives to be as simple as possible, without confusing advanced operations.


    Arch > Manjaro > etc.

    pamac build caja-rename
    caja -q

    Debian > Ubuntu > etc.

    sudo apt install caja-rename
    caja -q

    From source

    Dependencies [1][2]

    [1] The package names may slightly vary among various Linux flavours
    [2] Some Linux flavours package development libraries separately, while some have them as part of the base package.

    git clone https://github.com/tari01/caja-rename.git
    cd caja-rename
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    sudo make install
    caja -q


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    The Caja Rename dialog

    The Caja Rename dialog
    Eduard Voltshkov
    9th January 2021, 09:49 GMT
    Rename tool seems to be unable to rename files on Smb server. Is that something that can be added?
    9th January 2021, 12:12 GMT
    @Eduard Voltshkov

    Could you please report this on https://github.com/tari01/caja-rename/issues - thanks.
    11th April 2022, 06:50 GMT
    Hi Tari,
    Is there a way, to give the Rename Dialog an accelerator key?
    Like this for regular (non-extension) actions in ~/.config/caja

    > (gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/DirViewActions/Delete" "")
    27th April 2022, 08:17 GMT
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    Note: If you wish to report a bug, request a feature, or ask a question about an application - please do so by using the appropriate GitHub link on the application's page.

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