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    Odio SACD (application)


    Odio SACD is a command-line application which takes a Super Audio CD source and extracts a 24-bit high resolution wave file. It handles both DST and DSD streams.

    The application reads the following input:

    Supported output sample rates:


    odio-sacd -i /path/to/file [options]
    # Specify the input file (*.iso, *.dsf, *.dff)
    -i, --infile
    # The folder to write the WAVE files to. If you omit this, the files will be placed in the input file's directory.
    -o, --outdir
    # The output samplerate. Valid rates are: 88200 and 176400. If you omit this, 88.2kHz will be used.
    -r, --rate
    # Only extract the 2-channel area if it exists. If you omit this, the multichannel area will have priority.
    -s, --stereo
    # Show detailed information about the disc
    -d, --details


    Arch > Manjaro > etc.

    pamac build odio-sacd

    From source

    Dependencies [1][2]

    [1] The package names may slightly vary among various Linux flavours
    [2] Some Linux flavours package development libraries separately, while some have them as part of the base package.

    git clone https://github.com/tari01/odio-sacd.git
    cd odio-sacd
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    sudo make install


    Report a bug/request a feature/ask a question
    Browse the source code


    If you only wish to leave a comment, do so by using the button at the top of this page.

    For a GUI application see the Odio project page.

    24th June 2015, 18:16 GMT
    Why 96 khz? They are not best suited 88,2 khz or 176,4 khz (integer dividers 2,8224 Mhz)?
    24th June 2015, 23:27 GMT

    I have expanded the application info to answer your question. Please, post future questions on the Launchpad project page - thanks for visiting .
    8th June 2017, 08:28 GMT
    thank you so much for this as the foobar under wine route is no picnic; and this really is ... much appreciated
    Juan Miguel
    22nd June 2017, 06:57 GMT
    Hello Tari, thank you for your work. A long time ago that I migrated from Ubuntu to Fedora, and I have to tell you that this utility works perfectly in my system. Download, make and play!!
    25th December 2017, 20:51 GMT
    Thanks for you great job.
    1st January 2018, 10:27 GMT
    Great work.
    5th July 2018, 14:40 GMT
    Thank you for this! I spent hours googling and installing and failing to convert my sacd iso. This worked like a charm and so easy to use. FANTASTIC
    16th July 2020, 01:57 GMT
    Thank you! Great work!
    5th November 2020, 15:57 GMT
    Is the piping-functionality present in SACD-Decoder removed in Odio or is there a workaround?

    -c, --stdout : Stdout output (for pipe), sample: sacd -i file.dsf -c | play -

    Thanx and greet
    6th November 2020, 07:44 GMT

    The decoder has never had a piping option, but I remember once seeing a fork of this project by someone else on GitHub that implemented pipes.

    You can start a discussion/request on GitHub
    6th November 2020, 14:38 GMT
    Dear Tari,

    Readme.md previous sacd:?

    # Sacd
    Robert Tari <robert.tari@gmail.com>

    -c, --stdout : Stdout output (for pipe), sample:
    6th November 2020, 14:51 GMT

    I have nothing to do with Sound-Linux-More/sacd on GitHub. It is a fork of an older version of this app :)

    I don't know why they put my contact info in there...
    12th February 2023, 21:17 GMT
    Hi, Tarin.

    Thank you very much for your app.

    I have some problems and I can't install odio-sacd (I use Debian 11 AMD64):


    Thanks in advance.
    12th February 2023, 23:16 GMT
    Add your comment to this page

    Note: If you wish to report a bug, request a feature, or ask a question about an application - please do so by using the appropriate GitHub link on the application's page.

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